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在下坂本,有何贵干? (Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto)

8.3 推荐

分类: 动漫 日本 2016

主演: 绿川光  石田彰  杉田智和  武内健  堀江由衣 

导演: 高松信司  赤城博昭  久保太郎  村田尚树  木宫茂  牧野友映  葛谷直行 

IMDB: Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto


《在下坂本,有何贵干?》剧情简介:县立学文高中一年级2班,那里有位刚一入学就得到全校注目的男子,他的名字叫坂本(绿川光 配音)。他戴着黑边框眼镜,个人特征是左眼下的泪痣。他不但相貌英俊,着装整齐,而且眼神凌厉,一举一动都华丽潇洒,帅气爆表,因此总能成为众人的焦点,受到女生们的疯狂追捧,但是也因此引起不少同龄男生的嫉妒,包括同班同学阿酱(杉田智和 配音),以及高二级学长8823(游佐浩二 配音)。对面男生们花样百出的陷害和报复,坂本总能帅气满分地完美解决这些麻烦,让男生们甘拜下风。 本剧改编自日本漫画家佐野菜见原作的同名漫画。

First year high school student Sakamoto isn't just cool, he's the coolest! Almost immediately after starting school, he began attracting everyone's attention. The girls love him, and most of the boys resent him. There's even a boy in the class who works as a model, but who is constantly upstaged by Sakamoto! No matter what tricks the other boys try to play on him, Sakamoto always manages to foil them with ease and grace. Though Sakamoto may seem cool and aloof, he helps others when asked, such as in the case of the boy in his class who was being constantly bullied. No matter what difficulties Sakamoto encounters, he moves through his high school life with confidence and class.


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