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光 (Radiance)

6.8 推荐

分类: 电影 日本 2017

主演: 永濑正敏  水崎绫女  藤龙也  神野三铃  小市慢太郎 

导演: 河濑直美 

IMDB: Radiance


《光》剧情简介:尾崎美佐子(水崎绫女 饰)从事着一份特殊的职业,她的工作是将电影画面转化成文字写下来,再录制成音轨,为的是能让双目失明的盲人们亦能享受电影带给他们的无限想象和乐趣。近日里,美佐子的工作遭遇了瓶颈期,她所撰写的解说始终无法获得盲人观众的认可,更有一位名叫中森雅哉(永濑正敏 饰)的摄影师,不断的向她抛出尖锐的问题。 实际上,中森并不是完全看不见,只是他的视力一天一天的减退着,坠入黑暗只是时间的问题。工作之余,美佐子来到中森家中拜访,发现了中森隐藏至深的温柔和脆弱的一面,两个同样陷入了困境之中的人,在摩擦和碰撞之中渐渐产生了火花。

At a firm specializing in creating audio descriptions for films to serve the visually impaired, a descriptive video transcriber comes to know one of the panel members who is a formerly successful photographer who has lost much of his eyesight. As the man loses his main mode of connecting with the world he also yields his other means away. The new acquaintanceship leads to man and woman coming to terms with their lives and professions and seeing the world in new ways. —aghaemi


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