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方向 (Directions)

8.0 推荐

分类: 电影 保加利亚 / 德国 / 马其顿 2017

主演: 瓦西尔·巴诺夫  伊万·博尔内夫  阿森·布拉特奇基  斯特凡·德诺利博夫  尼古拉·乌鲁莫夫 

导演: 斯特凡·科曼达雷夫 

IMDB: Directions


《方向》剧情简介:一个靠开出租车勉强维持生计的小商贩,在和银行顾问的会面中得知,自己为了挽救作坊获得贷款而准备支付给银行顾问的一笔贿金翻倍了,道德监管委员会在审查他对银行家敲诈的投诉时,竟然也要从中分一杯羹。被逼迫至理性边缘的商贩,开枪打死了银行家,紧接着饮枪自尽。这个事件在广播上引起了全国上下关于公民社会的讨论。与此同时,六个出租车司机和他们的乘客正在黑夜中行驶,每个人都希望找到美好生活的方向。 整部影片发生在24小时之内,人们坐着出租车,去偷情、去谋杀,抑或去奔赴自己生命的未知……每个故事都是手持拍摄的一镜到底。为了实现这一技术,导演带着剧组人员开车驶遍了保加利亚首都索菲亚的大街小巷。每年保加利亚出品的影片极少,电影产业缺乏国家资金投入,然而这并没有减弱这部小成本电影的艺术成就。导演史蒂芬•柯曼达瑞夫正在用身体力行的方式,为保加利亚电影产业和现实生活寻找着方向。

A road movie set in present day Bulgaria, a country remains optimistic, mainly because all the realists and pessimists have left. At a meeting with his banker, a small business owner, who drives a cab to make ends meet, discovers the bribe he will have to pay to get a loan has doubled. The ethics board that reviewed his complaint about extortion now wants its share of the action. At his wit's end, he shoots the banker and then himself. The incident sparks national debate on talk radio about how despair has taken over civil society. Meanwhile, six taxi drivers and their passengers move through the night, each in hope of finding a brighter way forward.


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