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昭和元禄落语心中 助六再临篇 (Descending Stories: Shôwa Genroku rakugo shinjû)

9.5 推荐

分类: 动漫 日本 2017

主演: 关智一  石田彰  小林优  小松未可子  牛山茂 

导演: 畠山守  渡边浩  木村延景  鲍勃白旗  清水一伸  久保太郎  安藤贵史  阿部雅司  久保山英一 

IMDB: Descending Stories: Shôwa Genroku rakugo shinjû


《昭和元禄落语心中 助六再临篇》剧情简介:无法忘记在刑务所的落语慰问会中见到的大名人·八云的“死神”,出狱的与太郎径直前往寄席。拜倒在八云面前,成为他住所的雇工以及弟子,磨炼了技艺的与太郎终于升进成为真打。他所继承的名号是第三代助六。为了八云师父,为了小夏,为了改变两人心中的助六,与太郎所找到的自己的落语是……

Ex-convict turned Rakugo apprentice Yotarou has finally taken the name of Yurakutei Sukeroku III, and with his master Yakumo's permission has attained the lofty rank of shin'uchi. He assumes the name at a critical time for Rakugo, with audiences fewer than ever. At the same time he has started acting as a husband to Konatsu, who is now a single mother. Yotarou thus begins the struggle to fill the role of Sukeroku, both as the future of Rakugo and as a part of Yakumo's and Konatsu's lives.


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