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天空之城 (SKY Castle)

8.8 推荐

分类: 日韩剧 韩国 2018

主演: 廉晶雅  李泰兰  尹世雅  吴娜拉  金瑞亨 

导演: 赵贤卓 

IMDB: SKY Castle


《天空之城》剧情简介:该剧是一部全新的黑色喜剧,天空之城为一座韩国顶端0.1%上流所居住的城堡,齐聚此地的名牌大学太太们奉丈夫为王,并希望将自己的子女培养成天下无双的王子、公主,也将在此间展开各种欲望的斗争。廉晶雅将在片中饰演韩瑞真,将两个女儿的教育问题和对丈夫的贤内助工作都做得井井有条,在 天空之城之中也是备受瞩目的女王,但其实瑞真一直隐藏着不为人所知的秘密;李泰兰将饰演李秀任,是个充满了关怀和情感丰沛的童话作家,在瑞真的引导之下成为了天空之城女王们的公共之敌,但多亏聪明的儿子帮忙,一度成为了新一任女王,甚至在那之后还看出了瑞真的秘密;尹世雅将饰演读完博之后回归做家庭主妇的卢胜惠,从小家教严苛,一直是个乖乖女,但其实隐藏着内心不断要涌出来的欲望和炸弹;吴娜拉将饰演热情又可爱的购物狂陈珍熙,因为老爸手中坐拥大楼,从小就是金枝玉叶,她将韩瑞真视作楷模,忙于学习她的举手投足。

The drama revolves around the lives of housewives living in a luxurious residential area called SKY Castle in suburban Seoul, where wealthy doctors and professors live. The wives are determined to make their husbands more successful and to raise their children like princes and princesses and to be top students. They want their children to go to top universities so they use every way possible to get that. They spend billions of won to hire coordinators for college entrance exams. Han Seo Jin is married to orthopedic surgeon Kang Joon Sang. They have two daughters. Han Seo Jin seems to have a perfect life, but she has a secret. Lee Soo Im is a writer of children's books. She holds a deep affection and consideration for people. Lee Soo Im is married to neurosurgeon Hwang Chi Young. They have a son. Noh Seung Hye is married to law school professor Cha Min Hyuk. Her husband talks about justice and happiness, but he hides a different side. One with having extreme egoism. They have two sons....


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