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恶途 (Pohani dorogy)

6.4 推荐

分类: 电影 乌克兰 2020

主演: Zoya Baranovskaya  伊戈尔·科尔托夫斯基  Sergei Solovyov  Oksana Cherkashyna  Vladimir Gurin 

导演: 纳塔莉亚·沃罗日比特 

IMDB: Pohani dorogy


《恶途》剧情简介:顿巴斯,乌克兰内战,一系列的黑色故事正围绕着“路”这个意象上演。安全舒适区被挤压得荡然无存,也无法透过重重迷雾看透世事。当众生都囿于如此混乱困境,有人却成功凌驾于他人之上。弱者不弱,若有武器在手——既然已看不到明天,就不能当待宰的羔羊… 沉浸于戏剧和电视领域创作多年后,导演沃洛日比特首执电影导筒,将其擅长的体裁以“准纪录片”形式呈现,用凛冽的镜头戏谑世间,冷眼旁观人类的困兽之斗。

Four short stories are set along the roads of Donbass during the war. There are no safe spaces and no one can make sense of just what is going on. Even as they are trapped in the chaos, some manage to wield authority over others. But in this world, where tomorrow may never come, not everyone is defenseless and miserable - and even the most innocent victims may have their turn at taking charge.


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