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辉夜大小姐想让我告白:天才们的恋爱头脑战 第二季 (Ai Hayasaka Wants to Stave Them Off/The Student Council Has Not Achieved Nirvana/Kaguya Wants to Get Married/Kaguya Wants to Celebrate)

9.4 推荐

分类: 动漫 日本 2020

主演: 古贺葵  古川慎  小原好美  铃木崚汰  富田美忧 

导演: 畠山守 

IMDB: Ai Hayasaka Wants to Stave Them Off/The Student Council Has Not Achieved Nirvana/Kaguya Wants to Get Married/Kaguya Wants to Celebrate


《辉夜大小姐想让我告白:天才们的恋爱头脑战 第二季》剧情简介:人才云集的精英校·秀知院学园,在该校的学生会相遇的副会长·四宫辉夜与学生会长·白银御行。无论任何人都认为十分般配的这两位天才,本以为很快就会喜结良缘,但碍于过高的自尊心而仍然未能告白!! “如何让对方告白”在这样的恋爱头脑战中穷尽智略的两人…其罕有的知性热失控!!已经完全无法控制!!恋爱让天才变成傻瓜!!新感觉“头脑战”?恋爱喜剧,再次开战!!

Ai replaces the coffee in Shirogane's cup with a decaf version, causing issues. The Student Council also plays a board game together and even tries to give romantic advice.


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