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平行母亲 (Parallel Mothers)

7.2 推荐

分类: 电影 西班牙 / 法国 2021

主演: 佩内洛普·克鲁兹  米莱娜·斯米特  依斯拉尔·埃雷贾德  艾塔娜·桑切斯-希洪  萝西·德·帕尔马 

导演: 佩德罗·阿莫多瓦 

IMDB: Parallel Mothers


《平行母亲》剧情简介:两个即将临盆的母亲因缘际会同住一间医院病房,一个是即将迈入中年的雅妮丝(佩内洛普·克鲁兹 饰),虽然意外怀孕她却对于新生命的到来感到欣喜若狂;另一个年纪轻轻的安娜(米莱娜·斯米特 饰)面对未曾想像过的母亲生活感到焦虑、害怕,甚至充满了创伤情感。 当两人像是梦游一般地缓步走过医院长廊相互倾吐彼此情绪时,雅妮丝试图鼓励安娜,就在聊天过程中让他们产生紧密连结,而这样的关系也将决定性地改变他们的生活。

Two women, Janis and Ana, coincide in a hospital room where they are going to give birth. Both are single and became pregnant by accident. Janis, middle-aged, doesn't regret it and she is exultant. The other, Ana, an adolescent, is scared, repentant and traumatized. Janis tries to encourage her while they move like sleepwalkers along the hospital corridors. The few words they exchange in these hours will create a very close link between the two, which by chance develops and complicates, and changes their lives in a decisive way. —Sony Pictures


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