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缉魂 (The Soul)

6.8 推荐

分类: 电影 中国大陆 / 台湾 2021

主演: 张震  张钧甯  孙安可  李铭顺  张柏嘉 

导演: 程伟豪 

IMDB: The Soul


《缉魂》剧情简介:著名集团董事长王世聪惨死家中,负责此案的检察官梁文超(张震 饰)与妻子刑警阿爆(张钧甯 饰)在调查中得知:死者的儿子王天佑(林晖闵 饰),年轻的新婚妻子李燕(孙安可 饰),多年合伙人万宇凡(李铭顺 饰),甚至死去的前妻唐素贞(张柏嘉 饰),每个人之间都有着错综复杂的关联 。阿爆更是发现隐藏在案件背后的惊人秘密…… 电影根据江波小说《移魂有术》改编。

Wang Shicong, chairman of the famous group, died tragically at home. The prosecutor Liang Wenchao (Zhang Zhen) and his wife, criminal police A Bao (Janine Chang), learned during the investigation: the deceased's son Wang Tianyou (Lin Huimin), the young newlywed wife Li Yan (Sun Anke), long-time partner Wan Yufan (Christopher Li), and even the dead ex-wife Tang Suzhen (Zhang Baijia), everyone has intricate connections between each other. A Bao discovered the appalling secret hidden behind the case... The film is adapted from Jiang Bo's novel. —lucaszhao-83407


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