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花束般的恋爱 (I Fell in Love Like A Flower Bouquet)

8.6 推荐

分类: 电影 日本 2021

主演: 菅田将晖  有村架纯  细田佳央太  清原果耶  小田切让 

导演: 土井裕泰 

IMDB: I Fell in Love Like A Flower Bouquet


《花束般的恋爱》剧情简介:山音麦 (菅田将晖 饰) 和八谷绢 (有村架纯 饰) 因错过尾班车而相遇,在深夜咖啡馆聊起文学、电影和音乐,喜好竟奇蹟地相似,二人瞬间坠入爱河。他们毕业后开始一边兼职工作,一边开始同居生活,更一起养拾回来的街猫,最大的目标就是维持俩口子的日常。 但时日流逝,不想改变也得改变。他失约于《牯岭街》, 她独赏郭利斯马基黑色幽默。五年盛放,世上唯一的花未必结果,爱情若只如初见。《垫底辣妹》《借着雨点说爱你》导演土井裕泰联同《东京爱的故事》神级编剧坂元裕二,强调真实生活感的浪漫,菅田将晖和有村架纯衬到绝合演,谱出这代最揪心的爱的故事。

A twenty-two-year old man and a twenty-two year old woman miss the last train departing a station in Tokyo and become acquainted. Thus begins a five-year long romance, which develops, blossoms and goes through its cycle. The two are in love and live for the moment. They feel they are content and contemporary and there for another and shun the feelings of longing, nostalgia or even dreaming. The director began working on the film assuming the actor and actress would be his leads and has cast them here.


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