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浪客剑心 最终章 追忆篇 (Rurouni Kenshin: Final Chapter Part II - The Beginning)

8.4 推荐

分类: 电影 日本 2021

主演: 佐藤健  有村架纯  高桥一生  北村一辉  江口洋介 

导演: 大友启史 

IMDB: Rurouni Kenshin: Final Chapter Part II - The Beginning


《浪客剑心 最终章 追忆篇》剧情简介:幕府时代末期,外忧内患,山河动荡,百姓生活困苦,且生命时刻受到威胁。少年心太因其善良纯洁之心感动飞天御剑流高手比古清十郎,被其收入门下学习剑法,更名剑心。 在国家危难之际,年轻的剑心怀揣改变时代的梦想下山,加入奇兵队,日后更被桂小五郎纳入麾下,以刽子手的身份为时代的变革尽一份绵薄之力。年仅15岁的剑心接连刺杀多名政府要员,令对手闻风丧胆,直到某一天,一名下级武士在他的脸上留下一道无法愈合的伤疤。 来至京都寻找爱人的雪代巴邂逅了剑心,正是眼前这名瘦弱的男子将爱人从她的生命中带走。巴走入剑心的生活,随之经历了政治斗争的血雨腥风和田园乡下的宁静淡雅。也许她正是剑心那把狂舞之刀的刀鞘,但在大时代的背景之下,两个人的渺小幸福一触即碎……

In the year 1864, samurai Kenshin Himura was known as the Battosai, a deadly assassin whose fierce swordsmanship has killed over one hundred men in one year. When he saves a young woman, Tomoe Yukishiro, from some thugs at an inn, the two slowly begin an attraction that leads to a marriage. This leads Kenshin to potentially give up his sword for the sake of love. However, those who are in support of the Shogunate will not let Kenshin off too easy. The story of how Kenshin received his trademark star-shaped scar is revealed in this prequel, which also serves as the final installment of the live-action franchise adaptation of the manga and anime. —Albert Valentin


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