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北海鲸梦 (The North Water)

8.4 推荐

分类: 英美剧 英国 2021

主演: 杰克·奥康奈尔  科林·法瑞尔  斯蒂芬·格拉汉姆  乔纳森·阿里斯  彼得·穆兰 

导演: 安德鲁·海格 

IMDB: The North Water


《北海鲸梦》剧情简介:科林·法瑞尔将主演BBC迷你剧《北方海域》,安德鲁·海格(《45周年》《赛马皮特》《周末时光》)执导,共4集,计划3集1小时+1集90分钟,秋天开拍。 基于伊恩·麦奎尔所著同名获奖小说,聚焦19世纪一次灾难性的捕鲸活动。故事围绕帕特里克·萨姆纳展开,他是一名声名狼藉的前战地医生,后成为捕鲸船上的医生,在船上遇到了鱼叉手亨利·德拉克斯(法瑞尔饰),一个残忍、不道德的杀手。萨姆纳没有逃离过去的恐惧,而是被迫在北极荒原上为生存而进行残酷的斗争。

The North Water tells the story of Patrick Sumner, a disgraced ex-army surgeon who signs up as ship's doctor on a whaling expedition to the Arctic. On board he meets Henry Drax, the harpooner, a brutish killer whose amorality has been shaped to fit the harshness of his world. Hoping to escape the horrors of his past, Sumner finds himself on an ill-fated journey with a murderous psychopath. In search of redemption, his story becomes a harsh struggle for survival in the Arctic wasteland.


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