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逆冰之行 (Against the Ice)

6.8 推荐

分类: 电影 冰岛 / 丹麦 2022

主演: 尼古拉·科斯特-瓦尔道  乔·科尔  山姆·雷德福  艾德·斯皮伊尔斯  吉斯利·厄恩·加达松 

导演: 彼得·弗里奇 

IMDB: Against the Ice


《逆冰之行》剧情简介:1909 年,由埃纳尔·米克森船长(尼古拉·科斯特-瓦尔道饰)领导的丹麦北极探险队试图驳倒美国对格陵兰岛东北部的主张,之所以有这场争端,是因为当时人们假设格陵兰岛是两块岛屿。米克森将船员们留在船上,与缺乏经验的船员艾弗·艾弗森(乔·科尔饰)开始了一段穿越冰面的旅程。两人成功地找到了格陵兰岛是一个岛的证据,但回到船上需要更长的时间,所面临的困难超出他们的想象。在极度饥饿、疲劳和北极熊的攻击下,他们终于到达船体,却发现他们的船已损毁,营地也被遗弃。希望获救的他们,现在必须为生存而战。随着时间的推移,他们对现实的把握程度开始减弱,不信任感和偏执在心中不断滋生,成为阻碍他们为生存而战的危险因素。《极地求生》根据真实故事改编,讲述了友谊、爱情和相互扶持带来的惊人力量。

In 1909, Denmark's Alabama Expedition led by Captain Ejnar Mikkelsen was attempting to disprove the United States' claim to North Eastern Greenland, a claim that was rooted in the idea that Greenland was broken up into two different pieces of land. Leaving their crew behind with the ship, Mikkelsen sleds across the ice with his inexperienced crew member, Iver Iversen. The two men succeed in finding the proof that Greenland is one island, but returning to the ship takes longer and is much harder than expected. Battling extreme hunger, fatigue and a polar bear attack, they finally arrive to find their ship crushed in the ice and the camp abandoned.


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