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日常对话 (Small Talk)

8.3 推荐

分类: 电影 台湾 2016

主演: 黄惠侦 

导演: 黄惠侦 

IMDB: Small Talk


《日常对话》剧情简介:每天早上,我的母亲总是先于我醒来,她会先准备好我的午餐,然后出门。 每天傍晚,我的母亲会在外面吃过晚餐之后才回家,静静地梳洗完毕后就又回到属于她的房间,打开收音机关上房门,在晚上九点睡去。 我们生活在相同的空间里,但几十年来,我们就像是同个屋檐下的陌生人,唯一的交集是她为我准备的吃食,我们之间没有嘘寒问暖、没有母女间的心里话、没有“我爱你”。 当我注视着她,我知道在那震耳欲聋的沉默之下,藏着让她难以面对、无法言说的秘密。我知道在紧闭的双唇背后,是令她窒息且摆脱不去的耻辱。 这天,我终于鼓起勇气与她开启对话,但我真的准备去好面对她将给出的答案了吗? 我们又是否都能够好好面对那些已经被埋藏许久的过去?

A family story of a very special kind. The mother earns a living as a spirit guide for the deceased at their funerals: she was never at home, always out and about with her girlfriends instead. The daughter now goes to great lengths to attempt to understand her mother. A cosmos opens before us, one which manages to be of universal cultural significance and extremely intimate at the same time.


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