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金刚狼3:殊死一战 (Logan)

8.3 推荐

分类: 电影 美国 2017

主演: 休·杰克曼  帕特里克·斯图尔特  达芙妮·基恩  波伊德·霍布鲁克  斯戴芬·莫昌特 

导演: 詹姆斯·曼高德 

IMDB: Logan


《金刚狼3:殊死一战》剧情简介:故事发生在2029年,彼时,X战警早已经解散,作为为数不多的仅存的变种人,金刚狼罗根(休·杰克曼 Hugh Jackman 饰)和卡利班(斯戴芬·莫昌特 Stephen Merchant 饰)照顾着年迈的X教授(帕特里克·斯图尔特 Patrick Stewart 饰),由于衰老,X教授已经丧失了对于自己超能力的控制,如果不依赖药物,他的超能力就会失控,在全球范围内制造无法挽回的灾难。不仅如此,金刚狼的自愈能力亦随着时间的流逝逐渐减弱,体能和力量都早已经大不如从前。 某日,一位陌生女子找到了金刚狼,将一个名为劳拉(达芙妮·基恩 Dafne Keen 饰)的女孩托付给他,嘱咐他将劳拉送往位于加拿大边境的“伊甸园”。让罗根没有想到的是,劳拉竟然是被植入了自己的基因而培养出的人造变种人,而在传说中的伊甸园里,有着一群和劳拉境遇相似的孩子。邪恶的唐纳德(波伊德·霍布鲁克 Boyd Holbrook 饰)紧紧的追踪着罗根一行人的踪迹,他的目标只有一个,就是将那群人造变种人彻底毁灭。

In 2029 the mutant population has shrunken significantly due to genetically modified plants designed to reduce mutant powers and the X-Men have disbanded. Logan, whose power to self-heal is dwindling, has surrendered himself to alcohol and now earns a living as a chauffeur. He takes care of the ailing old Professor X whom he keeps hidden away. One day, a female stranger asks Logan to drive a girl named Laura to the Canadian border. At first he refuses, but the Professor has been waiting for a long time for her to appear. Laura possesses an extraordinary fighting prowess and is in many ways like Wolverine. She is pursued by sinister figures working for a powerful corporation; this is because they made her, with Logan's DNA. A decrepit Logan is forced to ask himself if he can or even wants to put his remaining powers to good use. It would appear that in the near-future, the times in which they were able put the world to rights with razor sharp claws and telepathic powers are now over.


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