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哥哥太爱我了怎么办 (My Brother Loves Me Too Much)

6.2 推荐

分类: 电影 日本 2017

主演: 土屋太凤  片寄凉太  千叶雄大  草川拓弥  杉野遥亮 

导演: 河合勇人 

IMDB: My Brother Loves Me Too Much


《哥哥太爱我了怎么办》剧情简介:橘濑户花(土屋太凤 饰)是一名活泼可爱的高中女生,一天,她鼓足了勇气向剑道部的铃木告白,谁知道遭到了对方的拒绝。截止到目前为止,这已经是橘濑户花第12次告白失败了,百思不得其解的橘濑户花决定向铃木问个明白,才知道原来自己一直差劲到底的桃花运,和自己的哥哥橘遥(片寄凉太 饰)有关。 一天,橘濑户花和名为芹川高岭(千叶雄大 饰)的男子重逢了,高岭是橘濑户花曾经的初恋对象, 如今他再度出现在她的身边,还对她展现出了别样的热情,这一切让橘濑户花的内心开始骚动起来。与此同时,橘遥震惊的发现,自己和妹妹其实并没有血缘关系。

She is a high school girl, but not any school girl. She is cute, attractive and popular. Many boys and men want her and go to great lengths to grab her. They will do whatever it takes. One of those things, however, is going through her half-brother. It is not just that the brother is protective. It is that he too is in love.


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