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马茹娜的非凡旅程 (Marona's Fantastic Tale)

8.4 推荐

分类: 动漫 法国 / 罗马尼亚 / 比利时 2019

主演: 丽兹·布罗谢  布鲁诺·萨拉曼  蒂埃里·汉西斯  娜塔莉·布伏  奥林匹娅·梅林特 

导演: 安卡·达米安 

IMDB: Marona's Fantastic Tale


《马茹娜的非凡旅程》剧情简介:毛毛、莎哈、安娜,这只黑白相间的米克斯小狗在不同的屋檐下,有过不同的名字,不变的是它对主人无邪的忠实,热切的盼望,以及无私的体贴。陪伴怀才不遇的特技演员筑梦踏实,替家计沈重的苦力工人卸除辛劳,伴随纯真可爱的单亲女孩共同成长;它享受过溺爱的甜蜜,也体会过现实的苦涩。在小小生命的终点,它将如何回望这一切? 罗马尼亚导演安卡达米安,以自在驾驭多种动画技法和作画媒材闻名,这次携手时尚品牌LV力邀合作的比利时新锐漫画家布雷希特艾文斯,从小狗的主观视角出发,运用鲜活的对比色彩及灵动的抽象线条,在二维基础上挥洒出令人惊艳的三度空间视觉效果,绚丽而深情地演绎,狗儿世界中朴实无华的乐天与思愁。 「我崇信情绪的复杂,笑中带泪绝对是比哭泣更强烈的情绪。」─ 安卡·达米安

Named "Neuf", after her position in her mother's litter, a little mixed-breed dog with a big heart and a cute, heart-shaped nose recounts the memory-laden story of her life after a terrible hit-and-run accident. Indeed, up to now, she has been through a lot: people have adopted her, some have sold her, others have changed her name, and all of them, have abandoned her on the street again and again. But, now that life has come full circle, and she is back where she has started, all alone, the intense but short-lived moments of her ephemeral happiness are her only comfort. And in a life full of highs and lows; pain and joy; companionship and loneliness, love is all that matters.


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