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恭喜八婆 (Gong hei bat poh)

5.1 推荐

分类: 电影 香港 2019

主演: 陈逸宁  陈静  梁咏琪  林兆霞  徐天佑 

导演: 彭浩翔 

IMDB: Gong hei bat poh


《恭喜八婆》剧情简介:手机聊天群组「八婆」是由六个女生及两个男生组成,他们曾经一度很亲密,但因為当中的督察 May 发现自己男友和闺密陈逸寧有一腿;网络红人大波莲又将眾人的感情秘密写成书发表,种种原因,让这个群体的人愈分愈散,慢慢不再在群组中发言,最后让这个群组在手机中愈沉愈底。 直到有一天,群组中的一员、一向乐於助人的 June,因為在上班时候,将上司放在茶水间的一瓶人奶,不小心用在给客户饮用的咖啡中,因此必须要在下班前找回一枝人奶来顶包。在无计可施下,她想起这群曾经亲密的一班好友,於是决定找陈逸寧帮忙,而陈逸寧亦开始把群组成员逐一找回来。 虽然各人彼此充满著矛盾和恩怨,但大家為了帮忙 June,决定先把恩怨搁在一旁,尽力协助找奶,而在过程中,眾人把心中鬱闷很久的心结和问题,一次过爆发出来。让这天既在拯救 June,同时间亦在拯救一段已经早已逝去的友情。

Six girls and two boys often talk to one another in their mobile group chat, "Pat Poh". However, their friendship starts getting strained when various conflicts arise among them, such as Inspector May finding out that Isabel had an affair with her boyfriend, and internet celebrity Rosalin publishing a book containing everyone's love secrets. They eventually abandon the group but one day, when June gets into trouble, everyone bands together again to help her, putting their grudges aside for the moment. When everyone's long-suppressed grievances and problems break loose, the group of friends find themselves trying to save not only June but their long gone friendship.


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