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阿伊努之森 (Ainu Mosir)

6.3 推荐

分类: 电影 日本 2020

主演: 下倉幹人  下倉絵美  秋辺デボ  三浦透子  中川雅也 

导演: 福永壮志 

IMDB: Ainu Mosir


《阿伊努之森》剧情简介:有着北海道阿伊努族血统的14岁少年,在已故父亲挚友的指引下,逐渐了解阿伊努族人失传多年的祭祀传统,身为乐团主唱兼吉他手的他意外发现,在北国山林间的秘密入口,那只被人类圈养照料的小熊,即将开启护送父亲亡灵的仪式与传说。而在陪伴与送别这只小熊的过程中,他也将渐渐放下对父亲的思念…除著名演员Lily Franky惊喜客串以外,全片由阿伊努族素人演员出演,以纪实风格融合魔幻主义的视角,探究过往与今昔、原乡与自我的深切牵绊。

A coming of age tale about Kanto, a 14 year old boy, and a descendant of Japan's indigenous Ainu people, who struggles to come to terms with the recent loss of his father. One day, he learns about the small hole in the cliff in nearby forest that Ainu people considered a path to the other side of the world - where dead people live. Kanto decides to visit the hole, hoping to see his deceased father.


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