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你的眼睛在追问 (Your Eyes Tell)

7.4 推荐

分类: 电影 日本 2020

主演: 吉高由里子  横滨流星  矢部享祐  田山凉成  野间口彻 

导演: 三木孝浩 

IMDB: Your Eyes Tell


《你的眼睛在追问》剧情简介:柏木明香里(吉高由里子 饰)是一位个性非常开朗的女孩,曾经,因为一场可怕的交通事故,明香里失去了双亲,虽然自己捡回了一条命,但她失去了大部分的视力。实际上,明香里一直生活在深深的自责之中,将父母的死因归结到自己身上,但平日里,她还是竭力表现出非常乐观的一面,总是给身边的人带去积极的能量。 一次偶然中,明香里结识了名为筱崎垒(横滨流星 饰)的男孩,垒曾经梦想着成为一名拳击手,却因为种种意外而就此告别拳坛,现在靠着打零工度日。明香里的快乐影响了垒,当垒得知了明香里悲惨的过去和内心的阴暗面后,他决定再度走上擂台,靠打拳赢取奖金来给明香里治眼睛。

A tragic accident lead to Akari's blindness, but she clings to life and the smaller pleasures it can still afford her. Akari has also lost her family. She meets Rui a former kick boxer, misplaces him and the two begin speaking. He too has a past and is disassociated with most of society. One things leads to another and they develop feelings for one another. However, the too are connected in more than one way. Rui attempts to do what is right.


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